Interior and Exterior Place Themes

Hospital | Railway Station | Laboratory | Airport | Nightclub | Market

We have hundreds of awesome themes and ideas here at Sydney Prop Specialists for styling and dressing your next special event, party, photo shoot or other special occasion.

We have themed props and event decor available for hire with themes to you suit your every need and budget. Themes to facilitate training, spectacular designs for gala dinners and award nights, custom designed themes for product launches, trade shows and exhibitions and company events.

With our diverse range of themes and huge range of props, event furniture and backdrops; our team can help you to transform your your space for opulent masquerade balls and elegant parties, prestigious corporate events or style and dress small themed sets for use as vignettes at special events.

Sydney Props can also build and design theme sets and custom build props for photographic shoots, film productions, TV and movie sets, music and video productions, commercials and promotional videos, so if you don’t see what you need simply give us a call now to discuss your needs. Click on the categories below, or use the side bar menu to view props and event decor for hire by theme or prop type.

Airport Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
American Sports Bar Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Barber Shop Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Beach Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Beauty Salon Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Casino Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Construction Site Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Diner Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Garden Party Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Gentlemen's Club Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Hospital Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Industrial Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Market Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Moulin Rouge Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Museum Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Nightclub Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Nursery Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Outer Space Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Railway Station Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Rustic Encampment Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
School Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Scientific Laboratory Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Street Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists
Winery Theme - Place Themes -  Sydney Prop Specialists